Cassie Hart

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Cassie Hart (Ngāi Tahu) is a writer of speculative fiction. Her short stories have appeared in several award-winning anthologies and she has been a finalist for both the Sir Julius Vogel and Australian Shadow Awards. She has self-published over ten novels and novellas under her writing names of Nova Blake and JC Hart. In 2018, she was selected as a writer on Te Papa Tupu writing programme. A fan of coffee, cats and zombies, Cassie lives in Taranaki.

Verb Festival 2021 appearances
Witchy Fiction, Fri 5 Nov, 6pm
Crafting Thin Places, Sat 6 Nov, 10am.
Atua Wāhine, Sat 6 Nov, 7:15pm (LitCrawl).
Why Does Magic Matter? Sat 6 Nov, 8:30pm (LitCrawl).
